Amrita’s Singh-ing a Sale!!!

January 29, 2010

Okay, okay – that was a disgustingly cheesy pun, and it barely made sense, at that… Whatever. The point is that I’ve been seeing Amrita Singh’s gorgeous bangles all over the web-o-sphere lately, and I’ve been dying for a set of my own; you know how I love to layer. Anyhow – at 70 bucks and up up up, that’s just not in my budget.

Sooo naturally I freaked when I saw that Amrita’s one of the latest sales on HauteLook because I found a set of bangles for 75% off!!! Ahhh!!! Katie helped talk me out of them yesterday, but I here I sit in the midst of purchasing them because my willpower didn’t hold out…

Anywho – if you’d like to get in on the action (You would like to; I promise.), then register here to access the specials that change every couple days!

Also – on a marginally-related side note – if I had a little chickadee (that was not also a little cat), I would have her in one of these Ola Lola swimsuits (also on Haute right now!) so fast that her cute little head would be spinning!


  1. Wow….$70 bangles. I can only imagine how beautiful they would have to be for me to buy it at that price! Very cool that you got it on sale.

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