Lessons from 2014

December 31, 2014 separator be inspired

Lessons from 2014

It’s been a long, crazy year, but somehow it’s just flown by at the same time. Can you believe that tomorrow will be January? 2015? I’m reeling just a little bit. I’ll share some 2014 highlights next month, but I think the most important thing is the take-home message from the year. Everything that happened over the past 365 days, for good or bad, made an impact on us and on the way we live our lives. So, I want to know:

What lesson learned this year will stay with you forever?

My Lessons from 2014

I’ll start us off, but I want to hear from you guys, too, either here or on Instagram or Facebook. What changed you this year? How did you grow? From what mistakes or stumbling blocks did you create a silver lining?

I think that the most important thing I’ve learned this year is that I can’t do it all — at least not well. Moving to a new place, starting a new job, and trying to put down new roots — all while working to get this little creative business up and running — has taught me that if I spread myself too thin, it all suffers. I turned 29 this year, but I think it will take me until well into my thirties, maybe even longer, to learn how to say “no.” But I’m getting better every day. Some opportunities are incredible and not to be missed. Others, though, are more of an opportunity cost, keeping me from dedicating my full effort to the things that really matter. And the thing that matters more than anything is people. In 2015 I’m going to make more of an effort to share my time with people who inspire me, instead of letting a week and then a month and a year pass by in a harried mess. I’m going to play way too many nerdy board games with my hubby and get to know new friends a little better. I’m going to keep learning to say “yes” to the things that matter and to say “no” when I can’t be enough of everything at one time.