four years with the mister

January 13, 2012 separator Life

Today is Friday the 13th. 

It also marks four years with my partner in crime. 

Together we’ve backpacked Belize, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, and Peru and driven all the way across America. We’ve run a half marathon, a Warrior Dash, and skied together (though that mostly consisted of him scooping me out of the snow repeatedly…). He’s gone out in the middle of the night for hours in search of a fugitive Mish because he knew I’d worry (and maybe because Mish loves him a little bit more than me – little traitor…). I’ve put up with endless “Want some bacon?” jokes, and he’s been my guinea pig for lots of “experimental” vegetarian recipes. He’s my toughest Boggle competitor and biggest supporter in anything I do – even when I ask him to take endless pictures for the blog or hang on just a little bit longer while I get the frosting on the cupcakes just right before a party.

The past four years have been wonderful, and I’m looking forward to all the rest!


  1. i made my way to a blog that i really love!

    happy anniversary!!

    i’m so glad for you!!

    happy weekend!

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