Pinterest Six Pack No. 1

August 20, 2015 separator be inspired

Pinterest Six Pack No. 1 - Shrimp Salad Circus


I spend a lot of time on Pinterest, scouring the internet for the best of what you never knew you needed to make, do, and eat. I thought it would be fun to skip the middle man and bring some of the week’s favorites to you straight on the blog!

Below you can find six of my top-performing pins for the week, and you can click right through if you want to check them out or repin them!

Visit Shrimp Salad Circus’s profile on Pinterest.

Pinterest Six Pack



    1. Thanks, girl! Because Pinterest isn’t already eating the internet enough, so I have to help it along, right? ;D

    1. Right?! I think I need to do some serious kitchen experimentation. For the sake of science, of course.

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