Remember how this Saturday is the Derby, and you’re gonna make these mint julep cookies to celebrate? Well, try not to freak out or anything (I know how you get about these things…), but it’s also Cinco de Mayo.
You still good? Have you left to get a piñata yet?!? No? Okay – perfect.
Because you have to make more cookies first. You can’t do Cinco de Mayo without margaritas. Or margarita cookies. Sarah and I are on a mission to turn every cocktail worth drinking into a cookie that’s even better.
I’m not going to copy the recipe down here, since you should go get it from Smitten Kitchen (and you should also leave Deb a comment about how delish they are!), but I will give you a bit of advice based on our experience:
- If you’re not using the Maldon sea salt called for in the recipe, use less salt! Deb mentions this as a footnote to the recipe, and it’s really important so that you don’t turn your margarita cookies into salt wafers.
- Make sure that your dough is really, really chilled and firm before you slice and bake it, or your little margarita-rounds will turn into Cinco-de-Blobs.
- They look little, but try not to eat more than 12 at one time. You’ll regret it…
In case you weren’t sold yet, Martha liked the cookies.
And Stewart liked the straw. The green one, mostly.

They sound delicious! I think I am going to have to try them out this weekend!