My 30 x 30 List, Revisited

November 30, 2015 separator Life

My 30 x 30 List, Revisited


I started a 30 x 30 list more than three years ago as a way to set little goals, challenges, and fun milestones for myself. It was intended to be a fun little tracker but also a way to be more mindful.

I’ve been updating it here and there over the years but realized that some of the goals I set for myself aren’t something I’ll ever be able to check off the list and call done. Things like learning to say “no,” finding my place and position with deep topics; and yes — even being a more organized person. And that’s okay. I’m okay being a work-in-progress, and I love that every day I have the opportunity to try, try again!

30 x 30 Updates


As we round out another year, I thought it was time to stop back by the list and update it with where everything stands. It’s been really fun seeing how I’ve grown; the crazy things I’ve done; and how much growing I have left to do.

P.S. It’s worth checking out just to see the best/worst picture of me ever taken! 😉

Have you ever created a bucket list or other list of milestones? I’d love to see them!


  1. YOU HAVE THE T-SHIRT THAT I WANT! Also, you have hugged an unfair number of exotic animals. Love your list–especially the items about volunteering and making more time for people, such fabulous goals! Oh an I’m reading Stephen King right now!

    1. Oh my gosh I LOVE this shirt! lol

      And I’ve been on SUCH a Stephen King bender. In the middle of a new one right now. 🙂

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